Saturday, November 12, 2005

Educating the masses

Okay- giving myself too much credit. But this stuff can be fascinating, motivating, punctuating. yep.

-Deforestation: The Lorax : One of the TOP Books of all time. really really. If you don't want to Buy it, go to the library, borrow it from me, steal it from a little kid. whatever it takes! (um, disclaimer- i don't mean that. the little kid thing...maybe try READING it to the child. much better!)

right-o. moving on...

-Invasive Species: can I say Scary!
** Time for a game. Match the Title to the Picture!**

-Zebra Mussel - Encrusted vector averaging current meter near Michigan city, Ind., in Lake Michigan taken June 1999
-Giant salvinia is a fast-growing fern that can clog ponds and lakes. Forming mats up to 2 feet thick, the plant gobbles up oxygen and blocks sunlight needed by other water dwellers.
-Day-old sawfly larvae devour a melaleuca leaf in skirmish-line fashion.
-Asian Longhorned Beetle - female ovipositing in sugar maple
-brown tree snake
-Formosan subterranean termites

Absolutely Repulsive, Right! and there are MILLIONS of examples. Rabbits, Toads, Ivy, rats, mice, weeds, flowers, CATS and DOGS-domestic and wild (Dingos!), on and on.
More Info

Moving on

-Biodiversity (focusing on Marine Bio.):

beautifully written, at a glance Info. Worth the Click

And, Seriously people, LOOK AT THIS POSTER! What amazing creatures! aliens, really!

And that is my massive post for the day. I'm leaving you without detail on Ecotourism and Globalization, because I'm tired of blogging.

Let me know if this was overwhelming or fun. I prefer FUN, so be honest!


At 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi JB! Kinda random that I came across your site from a link from another link from another link (I don't even remember). Ah, gotta love the Internet. Peace.

At 3:49 PM, Blogger jana said...

Stopit!! It's great to hear from you!! Where in the world are you now?? literally =) i must admit, it took me a sec. to catch on to the names- it's been that long!

At 3:51 PM, Blogger jana said...

Melissa- your blog is so classy! I have a friend that's been to Ireland. she's even tried Irish dancing. We had a fun conversation, and you were totally on my mind =)


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