The Lowdown
Clean and clear, here's what I'm up to. Some people VERY dear to me are finding this news out from my blog. Please know I apologize for that. I love you and and you know who you are and you can be angry at me, but not much and not for long... 'k?I have been offered a full-time position with ISV setting up a new Faith-Based department. As of now, ISV is completely secular (which I love. such amazing and eccentric people come thru these groups. Like now, I've got a mix of Scottish, English, Canadian, and American. rock on) and I'm stepping in to join another as we create this new division. Not sure what all it entitles, but that detail will come later.
This important part is that it means I'm moving. yeah. to LA.
How do I feel?
- sad about the move. really, that feeling is number 1
-apprehensive. it's a lot of responsibility and i don't tend to like that "r" word much!
-honored at the offer
-peaceful. one ISV pamphlet on my chair in my random business class lead to this. I've done nothing, and the road goes on (the road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began now far ahead the road has gone and i must follow if i can pursuing it with eager feet until it joins some larger way where many paths and errands meet and whither than? i cannot say. -jrr tolkien.) I have learned what feeling to follow, and it (He) hasn't let me down. So I trust, and I say yes.
Having said this, anyone know someone in LA lookin for a roomie? let me know!
i immediately had to call abby. we are sad. but then we realized you must be stationing this new faith-based department in Bedford. So, in the short term you are in LA, but in the long term, you are near us. then that made us giggle & smile.
your still gonna come back for a bit of time right? i got a party on sept 16th with your name on it!
Hmmm...the I'm A Fan-a Of Jana Fun Club (Northville Branch) was not informed of this. We'll have to re-schedule your Meet-And-Greet. Keep us posted of any further developments!
I know your friends and family who live near you in MI are sad...but those of us out in Cali are fully excited! Does that mean youll be here in the office? Hooray for us!
?!?! when did Adam start the Northville 'A Fan-a' club?! and how am i NOT a member?! give me the app, where do i sign? i dont care what the yearly dues are.
i wonder if once im a new member i get an 8x10 portrait of jana with a well wish on it.
"keep on kicking! love, jana"
LOL Lamb, you Know you just gave him away, right???
Lambrina told me the sad news. I'm excited and sad all at once. Congrats to the new position. I know you will do great in all that you do. Please let us know when you will come home to see us and my army of boys.
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