Friday, January 06, 2006

7 Wonders

7 Wonders of the Ancient World:

the Great Pyramid of Giza
the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
the Statue of Zeus at Olympia
the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
the Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus
the Colossus of Rhodes
the Lighthouse of Alexandria

7 Natural Wonders of the World:

Grand Canyon
Great Barrier Reef
Harbor of Rio de Janeiro
Mount Everest
Northern Lights
Paricutín volcano
Victoria Falls


The more you know...

The Joshua Tree:
-Found primarily in the Mohave Desert (Southern Cali!)- endemic to this region
-Member of the LILY family!
-Leaves made into Sandals and baskets by natives
-Flower buds and seeds as food- raw or roasted... very healthy!!
-Named by mormons after Joshua the prophet "limbs outstretched in supplication, guiding the travelers westward..."
-no growth rings.
-B E A Utiful to look at

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

On the road again...

Just another post to say I made it safe and sound. Well, unless you consider the present company... instead of a nice ride home from the airport, we hit up the Foxfire for some crazy kareoke.
ok, it wasn't at all crazy. BUT It was fun and I did a decent job sounding terrible. I would turn around and have the lady running the machine sing the high notes for me! it was awesome.
I sing really well in the car!!!...

Monday, January 02, 2006


Our Christmas Decoration!


To Leasa's Tree

I love it, I love it. It's like a Grinch tree!!

"Blast that Christmas music, it's joyful And triumphant"
-the Grinch

So this season is absolutely fantastic. I will give you one reason why: Christmas lights/trees/decorations stay up past Christmas, and it's fine. Not just fine, Expected!

That means this post is well-posted because it compliments my New Years post. All other holidays are over and done the week (DAY) after- 4th of july, thanksgiving, even Easter. but not Christmas! Thanks, New Years, for the gift of a lasting holiday season!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Jana's New Years

Lambhead invites me to a party at her mom's house. Coo'. I go, visit with her and Adam a bit. All is great. Wish I'd gone earlier, but what can ya do?

Next Stop: the Alter party.
-I drive there by memory (with a little help from Steve)
-I park, unknowingly, at the wrong house. There are very few cars. I call Steve and ask if people are Really there. "yes, just walk on in." Okay. I walk into a room of very confused people, realize the mistake, and run.
-I look in my purse for my keys.
-I look in my coat for my keys.
-I look on the ground for my keys.
-I look in the ignition of my locked car for my keys.
-I call AAA and walk 2 drives down to the Correct house.
-AAA will call me back. coo'. I put my phone in my back pocket to wait.
-I go to the bathroom at, like, 1 am.
-We prepare to leave the party. AAA still hasn't called. So, I decide to call and see whassap
-My phone is missing.
-I look in my purse for my phone.
-I look in my coat for my phone.
-I look on the ground for my phone.
-I look in the toilet for my phone.
-I call AAA and tell them to call my home phone, as my cell phone is, er, out of service.
-Steve takes me home. it is 3am. thanks buddy.
-i take my phone apart, blow on it w/ a hair dryer, leave it and promptly forget about it.
-AAA calls. again. again. again. again. things finally get sorted.
-4am i get picked up
-4:15 am we reach my car, still in some random's driveway. lucky us- the cops weren't called
-4:30 am, the cardoor is unlocked
-5am. i go to bed. hey, it's only 2am on the other side of the country!

so anyway, Welcome to the year 2006. and, eh, good luck!...

p.s. if you wanna get ahold of me, you might try my home phone.
just an idea.