Me Personally
How am I? I am realizing that no matter how much I love home, it is soooo satisfying to witness such an experience impact such awesome students. Really. They are going home in 5 days, and they will never be the same. Never look at children, education, their houses, waste, running water, immigrants, and travel the same. just to mention a few things. 2 of 24 are staying longer to return to the Haitian villiage. One is coming back in August to live and work for a year. Others are planning their futures to make an impact like the one they witnessed the Crossroads family making. It's meaningful and real. It's tangable.Digging Not so deep, I am looooving the massage trades I've made tonight- 3 so far. I"m trying Desperately to learn the Belly Roll for belly dancing. I stand in front of my mirror alone in my room!!! I fail miserably. quite upsetting- lol. I'm scared to begin the books I brought because I know I'll get sucked in (Barbara Kingsolver) I'm loving the convo's we've been having about religion but am not taking advantage of them. Chocolate here sucks. Milky Ways are expensive. I'm neglecting my email terribly.
I will be far from civilization for a good 3 days, so hang tight and be happy! This pic is of NOT me, but it's an adorable belly dancer. so lovely! yes, cartoon. but they are all so lovely!