Friday, May 05, 2006

We've got a cute lil Robin making a nest on our porch swing. For a while my parents were knocking it down and trying to discourage her so she'd fine a better and more secluded spot... finally mom gave in a put a lil basket up for her. She took a while, but finally likes it. She was happily chillin in there today. Cute.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I Love Spring! We've got crazy things growing everywhere! In our garden, we've got asparagus (asparagi??? lol) and rhubarb: ate 'em both last night... the rhubarb pie was crazy tart and I don't have a pic of it. but look at the size of this asparagus!

p.s. Yes, I had to get the Latino theme back into this blog somewhere... but it does show how massive that stalk is.)
p.p.s. Yes, it is a bridal magazine. they're fun to read, ok!

Morel Mushrooms

Anyone Else know these things??? They are Prized possessions in my family. We used to search for them for ages in whatever patch of woods we could find. YUM.
- 2 days ago, this handful was found in our own back yard! There's a pic of a "wild spot" as well. We do, indeed, have a giant morel mushroom as a lawn ornament.

The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe

I Finally saw it: the Chronicles of Narnia. I'm really impressed.

best quote:
He's not a tame lion, but He's good.

best quote #2:
Aslan: If the Witch understood the true meaning of sacrifice, she would have interpreted the deep magic differently. That when a willing victim who has committed no wrong, offers himself in a traitor's stead, the stone table will crack, and death itself will go backwards.

i like this one =)
Fox: I'm sorry, your Majesty.
Jadis The White Witch: Don't waste my time with flattery
Fox: Not to be rude, ma'am, but I wasn't talking to you. [looks at Edmund]

Monday, May 01, 2006

my spot

My home in the DR. the photos are in some random order, but here's a bit of an explanation:
-one pic's my room. Spotless, eh!! Just don't open that closet door...
-2 pics of the living area from different angles
-a pic of the balcony. SO PERFECT for rainy days. I was alllways in one of those 3 rocking chairs you see... heavenly

Ang Jolie

I respect this woman. and I empathize with her. She voices what I feel every time a so called "sacrifice" is made in my life. We don't have the resources she does, but we all have the conscience.
A clip of conversation from the below interview..
Angelina's comments are in green:

"Despite having everything going for you, you have chosen the hard road. To travel to all of these tough places, to adopt the way you do. And that’s why people are fascinated with you. You could be in Malibu, living in a beautiful…"
"But see, for me, That’s the tough road."
Why is that the tough road?
I feel very… I feel like adopting my children was the greatest blessing to me. They are the, the funniest people I’ve ever met and the greatest joy of my life. And I feel so blessed that I’ve been allowed to adopt them and bring them into my home. So, that was no generous thing of mine..
But you’re traveling to... to Pakistan to see earthquake victims.
When I’ve gone to refugee camps or I’ve gone to places just to meet earthquake victims, it is certainly not some big sacrifice of mine. There’s nothing poor and horrible and sad about these people. They’ve inspired me.,b2f4f604-dc6e-4a0b-ad52-49cefc89ef22,dba12fa0-cf79-490a-9504-a9d534888395,9a36e953-548c-41ff-b1ca-f32b29b7c62a&t=s2&f=06/64&p=

I think she's beautiful.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

ALPI, my spanish school

4 hrs a day, 5 days a week, 3 weeks.
not nearly enough.

-Please, there are pictures of the faculty on the site u should glanc at. They are beautiful and wonderful.. Alberto, Evan, Pablo, Jhovanny, Henry, Ingris, Jhonny, Carina...

-Pablo, a good friend of mine, is below next to the chicito on the couch. The other pics are of the school. I'll share more personal photos when my big orange blob finally shows up. =)

I'm Home!

Ah, it is so good to return home in late spring. Our state is so pretty right now.
-Had to take my bag thru customs in Nuevo York , so of course my luggage got lost. It is waterproof, bright orange, and without bounds... A Massive Orange Blob. similar but more lumpy than those in the photo. How did they lose That??
there are 5 fabulous music cds in there. that and my camara cord. i'm sad and in great pain with out that music. and photos. Those will show up on here later, I suppose..
-by the way, underwear's not the only thing washed by hands. My jeans had a few scrub-downs as well. They're quite the tricky one's to rinse...
-Sharing 40s of Brahma (cerveza) with the original 5 of three weeks ago is the best send off ever. The 5 include myself, Sonya my host mom, Lizzy my host sis, Leonardo, and Jesson. If nothing else, the 2 visited every night until it became routine. It made me feel really appreciated.

To make friends thru culture and language barriers is indescribable. It's an addiction. My travelbug isn't for the world in general, it's for the amazing people in it.

my blob. i love it.

u see it??? That orange blob? bottom towards the rightish- the only orange thing there. That's the bag. where's it now???

in case you're really worried for me (or for the music like i am since being without is killing me) the computer claims it's been found and is on it's way... pllleeaasssee