Friday, January 27, 2006

Alive and Kicking

Hello Out There!
Not only am I around, but I'm lovin' it! Heaps going on that I need to think about and deal with (future stuff, like work...- too deep for now- but not sad so don't be concerned)

Catalina Island part 2: Completely Different from part one!
-Biggest group I've had, which inclueded 4 boys instead of the usual 1 or 2
-the mixture: Aussies, Kiwis, and one Englishman. spicy
-Fleese blanket +-30 degree bag = Warm Nights. I Love that camp now =)
-pulling weeds. no, not weeds- trees with a "weed" label. our poor scratched arms, but we DID get to be in the sun all day.
- Poison Oak! 'nuf said.da
- KAREOKE! Again! And I did much better this time. well, I was on a stage and I danced more than I sang and the dude running it sang with me. BUT it was SWEET CAROLINE, so how could I go wrong?
-Twister. remember that game?? yeah.

I probably won't post more because my mind has since shifted to the tour. 35 students- and I love them all. OH and I have a Bus Driver (coach captain) named Freddy that is Cool As! So earlier prayers have been answered and I feel well taken care of. Not much more one could ask for!
