Thursday, May 01, 2008


Hello then. Pty was amazing. My camera was stolen/broken/turned into lost and found on the 19th at a concert (We are Scientist. I bet they're awesome. I paid 0 attention once my bag was stolen half way thru 1st number. phone-found. camera-see above. drivers license- gone. cash- guess.)

ANYway, enough sob story. Good bits of that night are a new skirt and jacket since my outfit was ugly and I wanted to feel pretty and had 1 hr of day to shop. Other good bits, amazing subway sandwitch at, like, 2am. final good thing worth mentioning, falling asleep on ed at a casino trying to say up till 4 to watch some boxing match. i didn't even try, and cared not at all that i was sleeping in some public place. quality night!

All that to say, no pics of my own of ed's b-day party, but there are some on facebook... i could save and post here, but the only one who reads this blog has a facebook and is my friend, so that's a much easier option =)

HAHAHA but this is worth posting.. chech this video out:
it's disturbing.