Thursday, July 13, 2006

I'm learning again the struggle of saying goodbye. After 3 groups, I'm getting tired of getting close and letting go. However, the big news is that we may be branching into a faith-based section. nothing sure yet.
More big news, I might be getting my bum out to Colorado again for a certain someone's wedding in September!!
Other than that, all the things that have been keeping me both busy and awake half the night aren't worth writing out, but they're still my excuse for a lame summer blog.
I'm off to Crossroad's tomorrow (the Dominican version!) It's remote, but full of lil kiddies running around desnudo and singing the Banana's Of The World Unite song. Lambhead, this is where the adoption temptation comes into play =)

that's my update. more to come. sorry there's not much humor in here- my sense of humor goes with my sleep.. what can ya do?